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Teaching Listening and Speaking (Spring 2019) - Week 11 Reflections for Dextrous


This is the place for the Week 11 reflections for the group called Dextrous.

Dextrous people - post your Week 11 reflections here. Hit 'reply'

And remember to reflect on both things we did in class on Wednesday. So, write 2 reflections. 


RE: Teaching Listening and Speaking (Spring 2019) - Week 11 Reflections for Dextrous

Guessing game

Similar to last time, the host prepared guessing game again, that one player thinks of something and others ask her questions. Still, the host added two extra conditions. First, she provided categories like movies, celebrities, science and one thing that I could not remember. Second, she asked us to ask questions in turn for two rounds, which we seemed not follow very strictly. 

The first additional point makes the game easier because within the frame, other players could come up with less options. However, I think it is not that necessary, since for us, having having difficulties and mystery might be more fun and it will encourage us to speak more! For the other change, it definitely pushes everyone to speak! 


Truth & lie

       In this game, everyone was required to write three sentences about themselves in which two of them should be true while the other is a lie. The goal is to make others believe that the lie is truth and the truths are lies. The game is a little bit boring but we knew our group members better. I think the host can do more to encourage us to talk to each other more instead coming up with the answer directly.

Guess Who I Am

       This time, the host showed us in turn famous figures and the one who is the introducer will use a given structure to tell others about itself without giving out its name. We are not the cinema audience but animation and we may act like the characters. Most characters are from movies and dramas. I think the game is more appropriate for lower level learners to equip them with the expression of expressing oneself. Besides, all the movie-related games, 

Some people may have less sense of participation because not all are in the same culture or love the same kind. 


RE: Teaching Listening and Speaking (Spring 2019) - Week 11 Reflections for Dextrous

Guessig Game

   Since I was the host, I hosted upgraded Guessing Game activity. The rule of the activity was similar with before, but I changed the rule a little bit. First, I limited topic of the character:  Movie, Professor, Science, Celebrities, and Sookmyung Women's University. Second, students should ask about the character for twice in a row. If they finished asking twice in a row, they can ask questions freely. I should have limited opportunities srictly, but I couldn't do that. On the next time, I would use some restrictions: If a student ask questions more than twice, she cannot ask questions any more. Like last activity, the purpose of this activity is ice-braker. However, students can speak some expressions about specific topic on this activity. 

Truth & Lie

    Our host hosted two activities: Truth & Lie and Guess who I am. First, we did Truth and Lie activity. I had played this activity when I was in Canada, so I am used to playing this activity. The rule of this activity is really simple: 1. Student should write two truths and one lie about herself. 2. Student should guess what the truths and lies are. I think this activity will be good to be used as an ice breaker because students can know about other students well.

Guess Who I Am

    Second, we did Guess who I am activity. This activity was similar with my activity, but it requires faster reaction than mine. The rule of this game is like this: 1. The host shows a character(Movie or Animation) to a student. 2. The student explain about character to other students. 3. Other students ask questions to the student in a row. 4. When a student guessed the character correctly, it's her turn. I think this activitt can improve students asking skills and description skills like 'Is it animal?' or 'I eat chocolate cakes'. Moreover, It stimulated students interests. It will be effective to use as an ice-breaker or warm-up activities. However, It is better to use globally popular characters because some characters are not that popular in other cultures.




RE: Teaching Listening and Speaking (Spring 2019) - Week 11 Reflections for Dextrous

* W10 Host Preparing Activity Reflection *

1. Guessing Game

            This time she prepared a new game called guessing game. The rule of game was simple. The host prepared some papers whose the category is written on it. Then the first runner who had been chosen by drawing lots, chose the word in his mind, which is related to that category. The others made questions and then the runner replied it, so that they can guess the answer. The person who correct the answer could be a next runner.

            It was a bit similar to the activity that she prepared last time, but it was different in that she made a category so that team members, both runner and the persons who had to guess, can limit the boundary of the consideration. It became so much better, since young kids cant consider many various and deep areas. In the process of asking and replying, students can learn interactive communication skills, and fluency in speaking. It was fun and good activity.


2. Guessing Game (I hosted)

            Coincidentally the two of the hosts prepared a guessing game at the same time, although the content was different. I prepared two guessing game, and the first one is to guess the one lies among three sentences about the runner. The runner has to write three sentences about herself, two has to be spectacular true, and then the last one has to be plausible false, so that others might get confused. Others had to guess what is false about her. Second one is to guess the identity of the runner. I prepared the pictures of the thing, such as famous movie character, animals, or unanimated things, etc. Next I showed the picture of it to the runner, and then runner had to act and introduce herself as if he is the thing.

            I prepared first game to release the anxiety. Although there is no anxiety in our group, pedagogically there definitely has anxiety in other classrooms who are getting hardship in learning language. Therefore, if I were in that situation as a teacher, I would want to erase the stress from them, and make them feel fun in learning language, especially in speaking. The main activity was the second. Although I failed to control the time, as the time was not enough to play the second activity in full, I think it goes well better than I expected. I worried if our members feel too easy and too boring, but luckily they seem to enjoy the game. As a student who majoring in English, I ashamed of myself who are bad at speaking even in introducing myself. So I wanted to give opportunities to make their own instruction tool and make it into practice so that they get used to it. Although out group students have no difficulty in introduction, but I assure this might be helpful to the young leaners, or beginner.


RE: Teaching Listening and Speaking (Spring 2019) - Week 11 Reflections for Dextrous

What is it?

This activity is designed for groups and the target proficiency level can varies depending on grouping students. This is literally guessing what the speaker explains and it induces student to use descriptive expression. There are several categories that I can choose as a target; SMU, Professors, celebrity, Movie and science. SMU and Professors were highly contextualized in sookmyung students so it has a double-edged sword in terms that there was a exchange student in our group. The more familiar the topic is, the funnier the session is. One student decided a certain word in their mind, and the others ask her for earning clues. It focuses on output rather than input. There wasnt any difficulties in vocabulary or understanding, so I would say it was a lack of push. It requires a negotiation among students to figure out what they are talking about and can practice to describe things. It was interesting but some reformation of this activity seems to required in order to push students to make output. 



Truth and False


This activity is designed for groups and the target proficiency level can not varies but also mix from intermediate to advanced level. This is guessing which statements are true or not. We had three or four minutes to make sentences and we reads that in orders. It demands us to listen and speak at the same time. Also it can be said it requires level of supra-segmental recognition because we should catch the cues that can help us to notice from speaker. Also, there was discussions and negotiation among members to talk. It was fun and it would be a good ice-breaking activity in terms that it uses personal information and facilitate to let know each other more.  


Who am I?

This activity is a kind of role play because we act and speak like a things in the picture. It can be a person or character in a cartoon. The host handed out certain form of sentences such as I like and my hobby is However, in that we are at least upper-intermediate level students, we could use more complex sentences and further information of it. We didnt have much difficulties while doing this. We had a fun and I wish we would have more rounds for it.  


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