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Teaching Listening and Speaking (Spring 2019) - Week 7 Reflections for Dextrous


This is the place for the Week 7 reflections for the group called Dextrous.

Dextrous people - post your Week 7 reflections here. Hit 'reply'

And remember to reflect on both things we did in class on Wednesday. So, write 2 reflections. 


RE: Teaching Listening and Speaking (Spring 2019) - Week 7 Reflections for Dextrous


           We played the Spy-song again. But the game got more complex. Last time, everyone except for the spy got all the same place and did not have a job; but this time, although we all got the same place but everyone had specific jobs. Thus, by asking questions we had to figure out which jobs others got and the spy had to guess which place everyone got.

           Although the game was very similar with the last time, I think this time was much funnier as we had to use our brain more. Moreover, we had to pretend as the job we got. Because I got spy twice, I had to figure out the place and pretend as I got a certain job. Fortunately, I could figure out the place very easily because I saw my next persons card.

           Because we were familiar with the game we could play it without much difficulties and could speak more than the last time. People asked questions and spoke a lot freely we they had questions and also answer very freely. Nice workJ


Guessing game

           One person got to think of one thing and the rest had to guess what that is by asking questions. I think this game is also very helpful for speaking ability because everyone had to ask questions in order to get some clues. Moreover, the answer person also had to speak a lot in order to answer and explain the figure in her mind.

           By describing and figuring out the answer, everyone got enough opportunities to speak. However, I think it would be much fun if people got certain limited number of question so that people could make more complex sentences to get some clues. But still, it was funJ


RE: Teaching Listening and Speaking (Spring 2019) - Week 7 Reflections for Dextrous

          On the seventh week, we did two activities:Spy-Song and Guessing Game. Although we did smaller activities than before, It took enough time and was helpful to use in real-class.


          Our host hosted Spy-Song activities again. On the last class, Spy-song focused on only describing places. However, It focused on places and jobs on this class. First, students get some papers. One of the paper is Spy-Song and other papers are the places and job such as secretary in university and ghost in cemetery. Second, students ask some questions being related with their job and workplaces to the next person. Spy-Song doesnt know about other students' jobs and workplaces,so she has to deceive other students. Finally, students should guess who the Spy-Song is.

           I think this activity is appropriate for intermediate level students. On the last Spy-Song, It is appropriate for beginners because it needs describing only places. However, this Spy-Song needs describing not only places but also jobs. I think it needs more difficult expressions and it can be helpful to use after learning vocabularies being related with jobs.

Guessing Game

           I hosted this activity because I thought this activity is useful as an ice-breaker. The rule was really simple: First, students draw a lot. Second, a student who picked another paper decides a person, an animal or character./A student who picked another paper will go out of classroom and other students decided the character. Lastly, students/a student guess what the character is. It dosent need any academical skills but it can be break ices because it is for pleasure. I should have limited the number of studenta questions. Nevertheless, I think it was helpful can make students relax and get along with each other.



Gossip girl

RE: Teaching Listening and Speaking (Spring 2019) - Week 7 Reflections for Dextrous

Find who is the spy-song! Hyunjeong


The objective of this activity is finding who is the spy-song. It was the upgraded version of previous activity. The simple rule was added and the card includes the name of place and the job related to the place. The spy song has no clue what place it is and we question the players in a row, the spy-song should find where is the place and the other player find who is spy-song. I felt like the harder to guess the place, the funnier the game is. I was a robber of gravy in cemetery, which no one found out. It was easier to explain the things more abstractly. We produced the question related to descriptive words such as how would you feel,,, and what does it look like,,, but it was a bit hard to come up with make question in no time. As we went to more rounds, the question varied. Also it required us to listen to others answer carefully. After each player asking question twice a round, we could freely ask and answer, which made us more talkative. This game is my favorite activity so far (The second favorite is taboo). It was for intermediate and upper-intermediate. It would suit for all ages unless they dont understand the rules. There were several vocabulary we needed to look up but overall, it wasnt that hard.


Guessing game Misu


It was a simple guessing game. If a player make a entity in their mind, and the rest of player ask descriptive questions such as what does it look like,,; is it ,,,? she can answer the questions but it should be not too obvious and evident. The more ambiguous it is, the more fun we have. This activity suits for all level of proficiency, but the higher the level is, it should be more complicated to explain and make some restriction such as taboo. It is good for ice-breaking and building team-work. It could apply to speed game as well. It will let student producing the question as quickly as possible, which might improve their rate of speech.  As a teacher, if she want to put certain content on this activity, teacher can organize the material and hand out to student to play it, which can be a content-based teaching.


RE: Teaching Listening and Speaking (Spring 2019) - Week 7 Reflections for Dextrous

* W7 Host Preparing Activity Reflection *

1. Are You a Spy-song?

   This time I hosted the activity again, and I revised the Spy-song activity that we did last time. Before I started to prepare this time, I read through reflections that our team members wrote at fourth week, when I had prepared Spy-song activity for the first time. Mostly I had good reviews, but one thing about shortage I got commonly from all members was a lack of understatement at the moment when they met this game in the first round. At that time, I knew that I was really bad at speaking, so I thought I had to explain the content mostly in writing rather than speaking. 

   However, they didnt seem to understand my writing, which I put lots of efforts to make it easy. I tried to explain in speaking, but it make them worse in understanding. Therefore this time, I tried to make the instruction easier, and better to read. I erase the all the unnecessary sentences, but put only necessary ones. I also put the order expressions that I learned in English in Action class, so that they could easily understand the process. Moreover, after giving them a short time to read the instruction, I explained them once again more in detail, by referring to this instruction too. It was pretty hard time especially for me, who are weak at explanation a lot, but still I learned pedagogical importance of order expressions. I just feel satisfied with this point. 


2. Guessing Game

   This time, she prepared another game, which was to guess the things with questions. At first we choose the target person by drawing lots. When the target person is decided, she goes to the outside, so that she cant hear what others say. At that time, other persons discussed about answer, which can be a famous person, animal, inanimate thing, and just anything. After the discussion, target person came back and make questions to guess the answer. 

   It was a big fun but I think it would be better if the category of the answer is decided by host, or team members, before we started the game. I think she intentionally didnt decide it, because we are adults so that if so, we could guess the answer so much easily. In other words, if this game played by young learners, it would be better if the category is decided, as their imagination is beyond our thinking limitation. So pedagogically, to prevent for kids to make unguessable things as an answer, boundary of the answer needs to be decided. It was a pretty much interesting game to enjoy:)


RE: Teaching Listening and Speaking (Spring 2019) - Week 7 Reflections for Dextrous

The hosts for week 7 were Misu and Hyunjeong. First, Hyunjeong brought in a revised version of the game we played earlier, Spy Noonsong. When we first played this a few weeks ago, the objective of the game was for Noonsong to find out what place the other members have by asking questions, and for the rest of the group to find out who Noonsong was. However, this time, there was also a job description according to the place that we got, making things more complicated and definitely more fun! We had to take turns asking questions to the person sitting next to us, so we all got a chance to speak, which I think is always great, because sometimes when we just have free discussions or conversations, there are always some people (me, kind of, in our group) dominating the conversation, leaving less chance for the others to join in. Although fun, (VERY fun actually) it was definitely more difficult to figure out spy noonsong, and we had to ask more questions.


The second activity we played was hosted by Misu. She brought in a bunch of random activities. We drew lots to pick out one specific person to be it, and she had to choose an object or a person in mind, and we had to guess by asking questions. It was similar to the game who am I?. It was fun, but then same people got picked a few times in a row, and it was a bit burdensome for the person to come up with something in such a short amount of time. Compared to spy noonsong, there were no turns taken to ask questions in this activity, so it did get a bit disorderly, and people ended up shouting out all at once. After this, we also played a game where one person had to step outside, and the others come up with a word together, and the person who stepped outside had to guess the word. It was very much like the first activity, just with the reversed roles. I personally preferred the first activity more, since it was a bit difficult for so many people to have to explain at once.

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